The Real Difference between Infographics and Data Visualizations

Infographics StatSilkInfographics are often confused with data visualizations. Differences are not so apparent to a casual observer, and there is a lot of misinformation out there. It is commonly thought that these two are completely different - but they are not. Both are visual representations of data.

StatPlanet Cloud 2.0 released

One and a half years ago we released StatPlanet Cloud, the new iteration of our award-winning StatPlanet product. It was designed from the ground-up to be mobile compatible, with a drag-and-drop interface to easily build your own dashboards.

Today, we are releasing an all new version of StatPlanet Cloud with wide-ranging improvements.

The new StatPlanet adds advanced chart types offering more powerful analysis capabilities:

Using SDMX to create automated data visualizations and dashboards

Database APISDMX or Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange has become an international standard for exchanging data. It makes automated data visualization of international data exponentially easier. Why? Because more and more organisations and government agencies provide their data in SDMX format, which standardizes the data structure, format, coding and nomenclature.

Data visualization: why, when, how and for whom

Data visualizationUnless you need to look up exact values or do some calculations, visualizations are almost invariably better than tables of numbers. If you are not already visualizing your data, you are missing important insights.

The Benefits and Future of Data Visualization

Future of data visualisationStatSilk founder Frank van Cappelle recently provided his insights on the benefits of data visualization, as part of an expert interview series at Podbox.

This article further elaborates on three key trends that are likely to shape the future of data visualization: automation, interactivity, and (VR) storytelling.

StatWorld: A free educational tool for exploring world stats

The desktop version of StatWorld has just been released, a free educational tool through which world statistics can be explored in the form of interactive maps and graphs.

StatWorld can be used to explore hundreds of maps and graphs covering a wide range of topics, including education, environment, economy, health, ICT and language.
